Ray Shephard

Season: 5, Episodes: 1, Faction: N/A


Ray Shephard is Christian Shephard’s father and Jack Shephard’s grandfather. He is also Claire Littleton’s grandfather and Aaron Littleton’s great-grandfather but is most likely unaware of this.



Sun (Fire)


Fertility (Water)

Mobisode x01 – The Watch


He once owned a watch that was passed down to Christian and then to Jack, on his wedding day. Christian explained that he didn’t like the watch because Ray had told him on his wedding day of his disapproval of Margo. (“The Watch”)

On the mainland (2007)

5×06 – 316


One day before Jack boarded Ajira Airways Flight 316, he visited Ray at his retirement home. Ray had just made the latest in a series of attempts to escape the home. Ray declared his dislike of the facility and said he would one day escape, claiming, “They won’t ever find me, either.” They discussed Kate, whom Jack had at some point introduced to his grandfather.


Helping Ray unpack his suitcase, Jack found a pair of shoes which belonged to Christian. After Christian’s death, his wife Margo had given some of Christian’s belongings to his father Ray, including these shoes. Jack asked to take the shoes and he later placed them on Locke’s corpse. (“316”)

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Casting Call

In the casting call, Ray was named “Hal”, and described as “70s, Caucasian. Successful, handsome and charming rogue with a twinkle in his eye. A guy who can still fight the establishment and win.”

Decoded Family Members

Christian Shephard (Son)

Margo Shephard (Daughter-in-law)

Jack Shephard (Grandson)

Sarah Shephard (Ex-Granddaughter-in-law)

Claire Littleton (Granddaughter)

Aaron Littleton (Great Grandson)

David Shephard (Great-Grandson, Flash Sideways)

Decoded Season 3 & 5 Characters

Eloise Hawking

Rupa Krishnavani

Key Episode(s) to Decoding the Character

5x06 "316"

(Neheh) Nehy is depicted, in what has been argued by Alan R. Schulman to be the sole surviving pictorial representation of him, as a guinea fowl with a solar-disk-and-uraeus headdress, being worshiped alongside Ptah. In PT utterance 301, the deceased king petitions four of the primeval Gods of Hermopolis (usually thought of as an ogdoad), as well as Atum, Shu and Tefnut, to allow him, since he has made the proper offerings to them, to permit him to cross over to Nehy at the horizon, Nehy being called “Lord of the Year … the Ready Fighter, Horus who is over the stars of the sky … who brings Re to life every day; he refashions the King and brings the King to life every day.” In CT spell 307/BD spell 153B the deceased affirms “I am a guinea fowl; I am Re who came forth out of the Nun in this my name of Khepri,” and later in the version from the Coffin Texts, “I am invoked in the Ennead [i.e. the Egyptian pantheon in general, but especially the group of nine major deities worshiped at Heliopolis] in this my name of Nehy,” this time with the divine determiner at the end. The spell, which is perhaps more informative with respect to Nehy in the Coffin Texts version, nevertheless makes it difficult, because of its syncretic character, to ascertain which elements of its content apply specifically to Nehy, but one suggestive passage states, “I am the Soul who created the Nun, who made my seat in the realm of the dead; my nest will not be seen nor my egg broken, for I am the Lord of those who are on high, and I have made my nest in the limits of the sky.” Schulman cites as well two Ptolemaic-era texts from Dendera which refer to “the sky which bears Nehy” and to “seeing Nehy in the sky.” The epithet ‘Lord of the Year’ or ‘Lord of Years’ likely derives from the similarity of his name to n-h-h, ‘eternity’ (see Heh), which is often written with the guinea fowl sign whose phonetic value is n-h; indeed, the texts from Dendera cited by Schulman spell the God’s name N-h-h rather than N-h-y as in the passages from the Pyramid Texts and the Book of the Dead, and these would be read simply as personifications of eternity if the content did not seem to offer other possibilities. A possible pun on n-h-h and n-h-y occurs in the aforementioned CT spell 307, where the deceased, identifying with Nehy, states, “I am the eldest of the primeval ones [the Hermopolitan Ogdoad?], the soul of them of the Temple of Eternity [n-h-h].” The word n-h-y, it should also be noted, means to pray or wish for, or a prayer. An allusion to this may be seen in BD spell 153B: “I entreat as a bull, I lament as the Ennead, in this my name of Nehy,” i.e., the one-who-prays. As to what celestial phenomenon Nehy is identified with, the morning star, the evening star, and the star Sirius have all been suggested.


Mythological Family Members & Associated Deities

NUN (Son)