Carole Littleton

Season: 3–5, Episodes: 4, Faction: N/A


Carole Littleton was Claire’s mother, Lindsey’s sister, Christian Shephard’s former lover and Aaron’s grandmother.

Fertility (Water)

Fertility (Vegetation)


3×12 – Par Avion

Very little is known about Carole. Claire said she was a librarian. About 23 years prior to the events of “Par Avion”, Carole had an affair with Christian Shephard. It is unknown how long it lasted, but Carole became pregnant with their daughter, Claire. Christian supported her and the baby, came down to visit several times, and he even paid for her house’s mortgage. However, neither Carole nor her sister Lindsey approved of Christian dividing his time between families, and they made him promise never to come back.

Carole decided to tell Claire that her father was killed when Claire was two, and she proceeded to raise Claire by herself, working as a librarian. Unfortunately, Claire became angry and reclusive, adopting a Goth-like lifestyle. Claire later commented that she was “horrible” to Carole. (“Par Avion”)

Accident and coma


Carole and her daughter were driving down a freeway when they had a ferocious argument. Claire shouted that she hated Carole and that she wished she was dead. She was speeding when she hit a truck and was forced off the road. Carole, who was not wearing her seat belt, was thrown through the windshield and she landed hard on the pavement. Though the doctors were able to save her life, she was left in a coma. Christian immediately flew down to see her, and he paid for all of her hospital expenses. He introduced himself formally to Claire as her father, and he suggested, reluctantly, that she be taken off life support, since there was no hope of her recovering or ever leading a normal life again. (“Par Avion”)


Claire decided that she could not go through with it, and Carole was kept alive for many years. (That statement is repeated on numerous sites despite Claire’s observation to Thomas in “Raised by Another” in 2004 that “(her) mum would disown (her)” to which he replies “she basically has already”.) She was still in the coma when Claire became pregnant and Claire visited her regularly, watching nature programs with her mother. While Carole was in a coma, Claire tearfully apologized to her mother for putting her in her current condition, and told her about the adoption of her then-unborn grandson. (“Par Avion”)

After the rescue of the Oceanic Six

4×12 – There’s No Place Like Home, Part 1


Carole somehow recovered from her coma sometime after the crash. After the rescue of the Oceanic Six, she attended the funeral of Christian Shephard. She then spoke to Jack after the funeral, revealing to him that she had an affair with Christian, and that their daughter, Claire, was Jack’s half-sister and was on the plane with Jack. As Jack tries to maintain his calm, she apologizes and leaves. On her way out, she notices Kate holding Aaron, and notes that the baby is beautiful, ironically not realizing that she is commenting on her own grandson. (“There’s No Place Like Home, Part 1”)

5×04 – The Little Prince


Sometime after the return of the Oceanic Six, Carole Littleton sued Oceanic Airlines. In 2007 she settled with them andtraveled to Los Angeles to pick up her check, which was delivered by Dan Norton. Having followed Norton to Carole’s hotel room, Jack confronted her, believing her to be Norton’s mystery client seeking custody of Aaron. At this point she revealed that she did not even know Aaron existed, much less his status as her grandson. (“The Little Prince”)

5×11 – Whatever Happened, Happened


Before going back to the Island, Kate went to see Carole with Aaron. Carole was confused as to why Kate saw her, and mentioned her visit with Jack. Kate tearfully confessed that Aaron was really her grandson, that her daughter survived the crash, and declared that she was going back to save Claire. Carole took the news well, and Kate took her in to see a sleeping Aaron. Aaron remained with his grandmother while Kate left to go see Jack. (“Whatever Happened, Happened”)

Sometime later Kate returned from the island, with Claire to raise Aaron, fulfilling her word that she would return with Claire.

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Decoded Family Members & Lovers

Lindsey Littleton (Sister)

Christian Shephard (Former Lover)

Claire Littleton (Daughter)

Aaron Littleton (Grandson)

Decoded Season 1 Characters

Jack Shephard

Kate Austen

Tom Friendly

Decoded Season 3 & 5 Characters

Dr Woodruff

Dan Norton

Key Episode(s) to Decoding the Character

3x12 "Par Avion"

5x04 "The Little Prince"

Sekhet is the divinity immanent in marshes or fields, hence her name is frequently translated as the ‘Fen-Goddess’. In inscriptions from the temple of Horus at Edfu Sekhet is hailed as “lady of the catch, mistress of Hbs-birds, who created fish and fowl, who made the Hdw-birds, mother of the gnw-birds, queen of the ro-geese, who cares for the nestlings,” (Edfou II, 163, 11-12) and as “mother of the wild fowl,” (Edfou IV, 199, 9-10). Sekhet is depicted as a naked, nubile young woman with the sign for a field over her head.

Sekhet grants the produce of the marsh; hence in CT spell 571, “To build a mansion among the waters,” it is Sekhet who supplies the netherworld mansion with fowl. CT spell 607 refers to Sekhet as “the flesh of the East-land,” because the place of the sunrise is imagined as marshland, placing her in association with other deities who represent the east as “the assistant of Nemty” and “the guardian of Soped, Lord of the East.” In CT spell 1015, “To become a fowler of the great God who gives water and watches over water,” Sekhet renders assistance to the fowler, although the details are rather obscure. Sekhet is often depicted together with Hapy in temple reliefs, bringing the produce of the fields as offerings to the temple. Hapy and Sekhet are also envisioned as consorts, uniting sexually in the annual inundation. The term sekhet, it should also be noted, is used as much to refer to fertile territories of the netherworld as of the natural world, as evidenced by the ‘Field of Reeds’ (sekhet iaru) at the eastern horizon and the ‘Field of Offerings’ (sekhet hetepu) in the northeastern sky which are frequently mentioned locales in the afterlife literature.

In the text of the myth of Horus Behdety from Edfu, the chorus at one point urges Horus to “Grasp the harpoon which Ptah, the goodly guide, fashioned for Sekhet, which was fashioned in copper for thy mother Isis,” (Blackman and Fairman, p. 10 (Scene II, 66)). Sekhet’s close association with Isis and Horus in this passage probably alludes to the period in which Horus was hidden in the marshes by Isis to protect him from Seth. In the same passage, Isis states “I have made raiment for Sekhet,” perhaps implying her own contribution to the fertility of the flora and fauna which constitute Sekhet’s “raiment.”


Mythological Family Members & Associated Deities

HAPY (Consort)