Rose & Bernard


Rose Nadler (née Henderson) was one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. She was on the plane with her husband Bernard and was separated from him for 48 days following the crash. Rose was a well-meaning, caring woman who was apparently healed from her terminal cancer after arriving on the Island, similar to Locke. After time-travelling to 1977, Rose and Bernard lived in peaceful seclusion in a cabin near the beach, refusing to get involved in any kind of conflict. They reemerged briefly to help Desmond before returning to their hut and were some of the last survivors remaining on the island when the series ended.

In the flash-sideways, she and Bernard moved on along with their friends.

Bernard Nadler was a tail section survivor of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 and the husband of Rose. He was the only tail section survivor not captured by the Others or killed. He wasn’t seated in the tail section, and was only there when the plane crashed because he was using the bathroom. Bernard cared very much for Rose and felt a need to fix things, like her cancer, not dissimilar to Jack. After time-travelling to 1977, Bernard and Rose lived in peaceful seclusion in a cabin near the beach. After the Incident, they traveled back to 2007 and briefly assisted Desmond in The War before they returned to their policy of non-involvement.

In the flash-sideways, Rose and Bernard moved on along with their friends.

Season 2 Flashback Characters

Isaac of Uluru