Neil “Frogurt”

Season: 2 & 5, Episodes: 5, Faction: Survivors


Neil, sometimes referred to as “Frogurt”, was one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. Neil survived on the Island for 101 days, dying after receiving a flaming arrow to the chest during the island’s time shifting period.

In the flash-sideways, Neil was just as temperamental as he was before. He neither remembered his previous life nor moved on.

Sun (Fire)

Fertility (Water)

Before the Island

2×19 – S.O.S.

Not much is known about Neil before he came to the Island. It is assumed that he used to make frozen yogurt, as indicated by Bernard. He also has a family history of asthma. (“S.O.S.”)

On the Island (Days 63-64)

2×19 – S.O.S.


Neil was mentioned as being among the volunteers who tried to help Bernard build the S.O.S sign. He soon lost interest however, and abandoned him. (“S.O.S.”)

Mobisode x02 – The Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt


Neil had an infatuation with Libby, one of the tail section survivors. He threatened Hurley that he was going to take her away from him, but backed down when he learned of Hurley’s date with her. (“The Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt”)

Days 91-100

Official LOST Podcast (April 19, 2008)

Neil joined Jack’s group due to his dislike of Hurley, who was in Locke’s group. (Official Lost Podcast/April 19, 2008)

4×14 – There’s No Place Like Home, Part 3


Neil was on Daniel Faraday’s second trip to the Kahana. The zodiac raft did not reach its destination, as the freighter was destroyed beforehand. Neil and the rest of his companions on the raft were moved along with the Island. (“There’s No Place Like Home, Part 3”)

Time Flashes

5×01 – Because You Left


After the Island moved, Neil, on the Zodiac raft with Daniel Faraday, returned to the island to reunite with his fellow survivors as they tried to find out what happened. (“Because You Left”)

5×02 – The Lie


Soon afterward, Neil got into a heated argument with several of his survivors over making fire, which he claimed was futile. As time passed, tensions escalated and Neil began to personally insult his fellow survivors, calling Sawyer “inbred” and criticizing Bernard’s inability to make fire.


As he said this, he was struck by a flaming arrow shot by the Others in 1954, which launched the fire arrow attack. Neil stumbled around for several moments, screaming in agony before being felled by another volley of arrows. (“The Lie”)

6×01 – LA X, Part 1


In the flash sideways, Neil was seated between Locke and Boone on Flight 815. He slept with an eye mask on. (“LA X, Part 1”)

6×02 – LA X, Part 2


After getting off the plane, outside LAX, he made a snide comment to Kate that there was a line to queue in for the taxi cab line. (“LA X, Part 2”)

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Decoded Season 1 Characters

Hurley Reyes

James Sawyer

Rose Nadler

Boone Carlyle

John Locke

Kate Austen


Decoded Season 2 & 4 Characters

Bernard Nadler

Libby Smith

Daniel Faraday

Key Episode(s) to Decoding the Character

Mx02 "Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt"

5x02 "The Lie"

(Merwel, Merul) Mandulis is a Nubian God depicted anthropomorphically wearing the hemhem crown, consisting of three atef crowns or ‘bundles’ mounted on ram’s horns with a uraeus (cobra) on either side, each surmounted by a solar disk, or as a human-headed bird like the symbol for the ba or ‘soul’, wearing the same crown; he can also be depicted as a child. A devotional inscription in Greek on the portico of the temple of Mandulis at Talmis testifies to one Roman pilgrim’s experience of the God. The author, one Maximus, recounts that, “having beheld some radiant signs of thy [Mandulis’] power,” he meditated on them, “wishing to know with confidence whether thou [Mandulis] art the Sun,” (Nock, p. 366). Meditation, ascesis and incense offerings resulted in a vision of Mandulis: “Thou didst … show me thyself going through the heavenly vault; then washing thyself in the holy water of immortality thou appearedst again.” This vision was apparently followed by other manifestations: “Thou didst come at due season to thy shrine, making thy rising, and giving to thy image and to thy shrine divine breath and great power.” Noteworthy is the epithet Maximus applies to Mandulis, Aiôn pantokrator, “All-powerful Eternity”.

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Further Info

Manulis was a sun god of Lower (northern) Nubia. He is usually depicted wearing a crown of ram horns surmounted by high plumes, sun disks and cobras. His name in Egyptian inscriptions is “Merwel” but the Greek version, as found in the text known as the “Vision of Mandulis” is used almost universally.

A chapel to Mandulis existed on the island of Philae off the eastern colonnade approaching the temple of Isis, a goddess who seems to be regarded at least as his close companion. But it is in the temple of Kalabsha (now moved to a location just above the High Dam at Aswan), the most impressive monument in Lower Nubia from the Graeco-Roman period, that the best evidence of the cult of Mandulis can be found. Constructed on the site of an earlier New Kingdom sanctuary, Kalabsha (ancient Talmis) took its present form during the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus. Mandulis, as represented on its walls, does not seem at all out of place among the other members of the Egyptain pantheon placed in his company. From the “Vision of Mandulis” we find the unforced equation of this Nubian solar deity to Egyptian Horus and to the Greek Apollo.

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Wiki Info

The Temple of Kalabsha in Nubia was dedicated to Mandulis which was a Nubian form of Horus. A cult dedicated to Mandulis can also be found in Egypt, at Philae.

Mandulis was often depicted wearing an elaborate headdress of ram’s horns, cobras and plumes surmounted by sun discs. He was sometimes shown in the form of a hawk, but wearing a human head.


Mythological Family Members & Associated Deities