
Season: 3, Episodes: 1, Faction: The Others


Diana works for Mittelos Bioscience. A front company for the Others, which Richard Alpert used to recruit Juliet. She is never seen on screen.

Fertility (Water)


Sun (Fire)

3×07 – Not in Portland


Diana called Juliet on her cell phone to confirm her appointment with Richard Alpert. She told Juliet that Dr. Alpert was very much looking forward to meeting her.


After hanging up with Diana, Juliet proceeded into the medical labs and stole a number of vials of fertility drugs to continue testing on her sister.



Juliet [into cell phone]: Hello.

Diana: Dr. Burke?

Juliet: Yes.

Diana: This is Diana from Mittelos Bioscience. I’m calling to confirm your appointment tomorrow.

Juliet: Two o’clock, right?

Diana: Two o’clock. Dr. Alpert asked me to tell you that he’s very much looking forward to meeting you.

Juliet: Me too. Thank you.

Diana: Goodbye. (“Not in Portland”)

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Decoded Season 1 & 3 Characters

Hurley Reyes

Juliet Burke

Richard Alpert

Rachel Carlson

Edmund Burke


Key Episode(s) to Decoding the Character

3x07 "Not In Portland"

(Nehemet-awai, Nahmauit) Nehmetaway is depicted anthropomorphically, usually in a fashion similar to Hathor, sometimes with a sistrum over her head, and frequently nursing an infant identified with Horus. Her consort is Thoth, and her close association with him can sometimes lead to Nehmetaway being depicted as ibis-headed. In his biographical inscription, Petosiris of Hermopolis, a high priest of Thoth (late fourth-early third century BCE) records having built a temple to Nehmetaway, “the one who-made-what-is,” (Lichtheim, vol. 3, p. 47). Her name means “Rescuer of the one who is robbed.” For this reason some have seen a reference to Nehmetaway in the deity Plutarch refers to as “the first of the Muses at Hermopolis,” whom “they call Isis as well as Justice [Dikaiosunê],” (Isis and Osiris 352B). The earliest known reference to Nehmetaway is in the Speos Artemidos inscription of the pharaoh Hatshepsut, in which Hatshepsut expresses a special bond with her, calling her nehbet-ka-i, ‘bestower of my position’, “who said: ‘Hers [i.e., Hatshepsut’s] is heaven and earth!” (Goedicke, 63). This epithet links Nehmetaway conceptually with Nehebkau.


Wiki Info

Nechmetawaj (also spelled Nehmet-awai, and Nehmetawy). Nechmetawaj can also be understood to mean (one who) recovers stolen goods, and so, in this form, she became goddess of stolen goods.


Mythological Family Members & Associated Deities

THOTH (Consort)