Sarah Shephard

Season: 1-3, Episodes: 4, Faction: N/A


Sarah is Jack Shephard’s ex-wife. She is a teacher.


Fertility (Water)

Fertility (Vegetation)

Fertility (Earth)


Meeting Jack

2×01 – Man of Science, Man of Faith


Sarah was driving the other car in an accident that killed Shannon Rutherford’s father, Adam Rutherford, a little over 3 years before Oceanic Flight 815 crashed. She was engaged to Kevin at the time of her car accident. After the surgery, Jack entered her room to check on her, and she had already regained feeling in her legs. The two shared an emotional moment after this miracle. (“Man of Science, Man of Faith”)

Marriage and divorce

At some point, Jack and Sarah became engaged.

1×20 – Do No Harm


At their wedding rehearsal dinner, Sarah gave a speech about how she met Jack through her accident and how, because of him, she will be able to “dance at her wedding.” She ended the speech with a toast to Jack, her hero. Later that night, she came downstairs to the hotel’s bar and joined Jack at the piano. Noting that there were some girls checking him out, she and Jack play “Heart and Soul” together.


On their wedding day (held next to the ocean), the two of them shared their prepared vows and were pronounced husband and wife. (“Do No Harm”)

3×01 – A Tale of Two Cities


Sarah and Jack ultimately got divorced; Jack bitterly contested the divorce and eventually began stalking her (at the kindergarten where she worked) trying to discover the identity of her lover. Jack eventually accused his own father and assaulted him in public, after finding his father’ telephone number in Sarah’s cell phone call records. Juliet told Jack that Sarah is now happy. (“A Tale of Two Cities”)

After the rescue of the Oceanic Six

3×22 – Through the Looking Glass, Part 1


Sarah arrived at the emergency room where Jack was being treated, stating that Jack still had Sarah listed as his emergency contact person. At this point Sarah was visibly pregnant. She was aware of his recently-developed drinking habit and was highly disturbed by it, as she asked if he was “drinking again”. (“Through the Looking Glass, Part 1”)

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Decoded Family Members & Associated Characters

Christian Shephard (Ex-Father-in-law)

Margo Shephard (Ex-Mother-in-law)

Jack Shephard (Ex-Husband)

Ray Shephard (Ex-Grandfather-in-law)

Claire Littleton (Ex-Sister-in-law)

Aaron Littleton (Ex-Nephew)

Kevin (Ex-Fiance)

Decoded Season 1 Characters

Marc Silverman

Key Episode(s) to Decoding the Character

1x20 "Do No Harm"

3x01 "A Tale Of Two Cities"

3x22 "Through the Looking Glass, Part 1"

(Renenet, Ernutet, Hermouthis, Thermouthis; also sometimes ‘Terenuthis’, although this is properly the Hellenized form of the name of her cult center) Goddess of the harvest and of destiny, divine protector and wetnurse, Renenutet is depicted either as a cobra, or as a cobra-headed woman, or as a cobra with a woman’s head, or as a woman with the lower body of a cobra. Renenutet is often depicted nursing her son Nepry, the God of grain, or the pharaoh, who identifies himself with Nepry in the festival celebrating his birth in the ninth month of the Egyptian calendar. The eighth month of the Egyptian calendar, Pharmuthi, in fact bears the name of Renenutet. Renenutet’s name comes from a word meaning a nurse, one who rears a child, the verb rnn meaning also to take upon one’s lap or fondle, as well as to exult or praise, this too being a kind of ‘nourishment’. Renenutet’s most common consort is Sobek.

In PT utterance 256 (similar to CT spell 575), the deceased king affirms, “I have succeeded to Geb, I have succeeded to Atum, I am on the throne of Horus the first-born, and his Eye is my strength, I am protected from what was done against him, the flaming blast of my uraeus is that of Renenutet who is upon me.” The uraeus is the fire-spitting cobra who defends the king as the legitimate representative of solar sovereignty on earth. Renenutet is naturally associated with the uraeus because she too is depicted as a cobra, but she is not simply – and hence redundantly – identical to the uraeus here; rather, she combines the role of the uraeus, which is pre-eminently the defender of Re, with the defense of Horus, through an association with the Eye of Horus which was wounded and healed. The Eye of Horus represents any material seen as a divine boon to humans or, conversely, as an offering by humans to the Gods. As Goddess of the harvest, Renenutet is naturally closely connected to virtually all such substances. A passage from the Hearst Papyrus (P. Hearst xiv, 4-7) identifies Renenutet and the Eye of Horus: “Hail to thee, O Eye of Horus, Renenutet upon Hedj-hotep, thou to whom Re has given glory before the Ennead,” i.e. the totality of the Gods, referred to by the ideal number nine. Hedj-hotep is the God of weaving, and thus the reference here is to flax as the matter of clothing, or for the bandages which form the protective ‘clothing’ of the mummy. Similarly, PT utterance 622 states, in offering a garment to “Osiris the King,” that is, the deceased king as Osiris, “I have clad you in the Eye of Horus, this Renenutet garment of which the Gods are afraid, so that the Gods may fear you just as they fear the Eye of Horus.” The awe or fear generated by the Eye of Horus is the power of the offering, for the Eye of Horus represents offerings to the Gods in general, the efficacy of which is unfailingly respected (‘feared’) by them. Renenutet was also apparently associated with the development of an infant in the womb, an association which enriches the symbolism of a ‘Renenutet garment’. Thus she is sometimes juxtaposed with Heqet and Meskhenet as a reproductive trinity, Heqet being responsible for the initial conception, Renenutet for the growth, and Meskhenet for the delivery (as in Hatshepsut’s Speos Artemidos inscription, Goedicke 70f). The Renenutet garment is the garment of one’s destiny, woven as one grows, Renenutet representing one’s luck or prosperity which ‘nourishes’ one all through life.

A similar concept is expressed, albeit in much different form, by the identification of the deceased in CT spell 762 with “Nehebkau, son of Geb, born of your mother Renenutet; you are indeed the ka of every God … Horus has greeted you, for he recognizes you as the ka of all the Gods.” The relationship of Renenutet to Nehebkau is not a matter of myth so much as of the concept of the ka, with its concrete sense of sustenance as well as its abstract sense of essence. Renenutet is the harvest not just of the literal crops, but embodies fulfillment more generally. This provides further depth for her associations in the afterlife literature with Horus, who fulfills the promise of his father, and with the linen which forms the final garment, the wrappings for the mummy (see especially CT spells 779 and 862), these symbolizing at once the solicitude of Horus for his father and the material force of resurrection as embodied in an agricultural product. A special bond between Renenutet and Horus is affirmed by BD spell 170, which calls Renenutet “she who conceived Horus to Atum before the Ennead,” that is, before the emergence of the manifold of the Gods who administer the cosmos. This same spell calls out to the deceased with the words, “Thy Renenutet lifts thee,” the use of ‘thy’ here echoing a usage found in other contexts where it means one’s destiny. Hence the ‘Satire of the Trades’, a text exhorting young people to train as scribes, states that “A scribe’s Renenutet is on his shoulder on the day he is born” (Lichtheim vol. 1, 191). This derives its sense, again, from Renenutet’s link to the harvest, for this is destiny in the sense of that which is provided for one’s future, literally one’s future sustenance, for as the text goes on to say, “no scribe is short of food and of riches from the palace” (ibid.). This juxtaposition of sustenance and futurity in order to generate the concept of destiny is, in turn, very close to the process by which the complex concept of the ka seems to have developed.

The offspring of Renenutet and Sobek is identified in Greek as Anchoes, a name which seems to derive from the Egyptian Ankhy, ‘the Living’. No God of this name is attested, however;  a Greek hymn to Renenutet – fused with Isis as ‘Isis-Hermouthis’ – states that “Anchoes your Son, who inhabits the height of heaven, is the rising Sun who shows forth his light,” (Vanderlip p. 36).

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Further Info

Other Names: Termuthis, Ernutet, Renenet

Patron of: fertility and children

Appearance: a cobra.

Description: Renenutet was a goddess of great power. Her gaze, it was said, could wither her enemies, but it could also grant great abundance to crops and livestock. During the harvest festivals were held in her honor and offerings of the best yields were dedicated to her. She was also the protector of children, turning her dread eyes to creatures that might put a curse on them.

In the New Kingdom her role expanded to include the granting of magical powers to mummification wrappings. During the Ptolemaic Era she was known as “The Lady of the Robes.”

Worship: Cult center at Terenuthis, in the Nile Delta. Worshipped in the surrounding area.


Wiki Info

In Egyptian mythology, Renenutet (also transliteration as Ernutet, and Renenet) was the anthropomorphic deification of the act of gaining a true name, an aspect of the soul, during birth. Her name simply meaning, (she who) gives Ren, with Ren being the Egyptian word for this true name. Indeed, it was said that newborns had Renenutet upon their shoulder from their first day, and she was referred to as (she who) rears, and Lady of the robes (referring to birth-robes). Initially, her cult was centered in Terenuthis.

Her name also could be interpreted in an alternate way, as renen-utet, rather than ren-nutet, consequently having the more esoteric meaning – nourishment snake. As a nourishment snake, Renenutet was envisioned, particularly in art, as a cobra, or as a woman with the head of a cobra. Snakes are another animal without sexual dimorphism and seeming only to be female to the Ancient Egyptians so there was only a goddess. This secondary meaning also led to her being considered the source of nourishment, thus a goddess of the harvest; gaining titles such as Lady of granaries, and Lady of fertile fields. The importance of the harvest caused people to make many offerings to Renenutet during harvest time, leading to her being seen as a goddess of riches and good fortune.

Sometimes, as the goddess of nourishment, Renenutet was seen as having a husband, Sobek. He was represented as the Nile River, the annual flooding of which deposited the fertile silt that enabled abundant harvests. However, more usually, Renenutet was seen as the mother of Nehebkau, who was the deification of another important change concerning parts of the soul – the binding of Ka and Ba, who occasionally was represented as a snake also. When considered the mother of Nehebkau, Renenutet was seen as having a husband, Geb, who represented the Earth, since it was from the ground that snakes appear to arise.

Later, as a snake-goddess worshiped over the whole of Lower Egypt, Renenutet was increasingly confused with Wadjet, Lower Egypt’s powerful protector and another snake goddess represented as a cobra. Eventually Renenutet was identified as an alternate form of Wadjet, whose gaze was said to slaughter enemies. Wadjet is the cobra on the crown of the pharaohs.

The Hymn of Renenutet says:

I will make the Nile swell for you,

without there being a year of lack and exhaustion in the whole land,

so the plants will flourish, bending under their fruit.

The land of Egypt is beginning to stir again,

the shores are shining wonderfully,

and wealth and well-being dwell with them,

as it had been before

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Mythological Family Members & Associated Deities

SOBEK (Consort)