
Season: 2-3 & 6, Episodes: 7, Faction: Survivors/The Others


Emma was a tail section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815 who was kidnapped by the Others and then lived with them. She was a young girl who was traveling with her brother Zach to meet their mother in Los Angeles. Emma was one of only three children who survived the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. Emma and her brother were kidnapped by the Others on their 12th night on the Island. During their time with the Others, Cindy acted as their primary caretaker.

Fertility (Water)



Days 1-12

2×07 – The Other 48 Days


Seconds after the tail crashed into the water, Eko carried Emma’s brother from the ocean. He called out for Emma, whose unmoving body was lying facedown the water. Eko pulled Emma from the ocean and Zach rushed over and laid Emma’s teddy bear down next to her before being led away by Eko.


Ana Lucia began performing CPR on her and soon revived her. Emma asked for her mother and informed Ana Lucia that she and her brother were supposed to meet their mother in Los Angeles. Ana Lucia then promised she would get her home soon.

A few minutes later, Cindy agreed to look after Zach and Emma while Eko dragged the dead bodies out of the ocean.


That night the Others invaded the camp and kidnapped three of the survivors. In the morning, the group discussed whether or not it was safe to stay on the beach. Libby held Zach and Emma during the discussion. Nathan tried to get the group to stay on the beach to continue feeding the signal fire, noting the fact that there were kids and injured people who would be difficult to move and questioning how they would be rescued if they did not keep the signal fire going. Cindy backs up Nathan, informing the tail section survivors that they were a thousand miles off course when the plane crashed.


Ana Lucia and Libby became maternal figures to Emma and her brother Zach. Ana Lucia stood with Emma and Zach during Donald’s funeral, all of them looking on sadly. On Day 11, Ana Lucia watched as Zach and Emma had a small disagreement while playing. However, the next day she and her brother were among the nine “tailies” kidnapped by a mission of the Others. (“The Other 48 Days”)

4×06 – The Other Woman


While living with the Others, Juliet spent some time with Emma and Zach. About three weeks after the crash, Juliet told Ben the children were asking about their mother and Ben said they would stop asking in time. During the conversation, they mentioned that the children were on the list. (“The Other Woman”)

Days 74-86

3×09 – Stranger in a Strange Land


While Jack was imprisoned in the cages at the Hydra station, Emma approached him along with Cindy and Zach. After a brief conversation between Jack and Cindy, Emma whispered to Cindy to ask Jack about Ana Lucia. She glanced hopefully at Jack, giving him a big smile. Jack got angry and as Cindy led Emma away, Zach handed his sister her teddy bear. (“Stranger in a Strange Land”)

3×13 – The Man from Tallahassee


Later, when Kate found Jack at the Barracks Jack told her that the children were safe. (“The Man from Tallahassee”)

3×19 – The Brig


Emma and her brother were briefly glimpsed at the ruins along with Cindy after Ben shamed Locke due to his failure to kill his father. (“The Brig”)


6×02 – LA X, Part 2


Zach and Emma lived at the Temple with Cindy and the Others in 2007. Shortly after Sayid’s apparent death, Cindy asks them to give food to the survivors. (“LA X, Part 2”)

6×06 – Sundown


Later that same day, Emma, Zach, and Cindy listened to Sayid’s speech and grew concerned when they heard what he had to say. They decided to leave the Temple along with 15 or so fellow Others. (“Sundown”)

6×08 – Recon


Emma, Zach and Cindy followed the Man in Black to Claire’s hut. Once there, Cindy inquired what happened to the people who did not leave the Temple. When the Man in Black responded that they are all dead, it seemed to disturb Zach, so Emma and Cindy comforted him as he began to cry. The Man in Black walked up to Zach and Emma and told them that he knows that what happened back at the Temple was really scary, but now it’s over. He then promised the children he would take care of them. The group soon left Claire’s hut and Zach and Emma were notably directly behind the Man in Black on the trek. Zach and Emma arrived with the rest of the group at a clearing, where the Man in Black declared they will be staying for a few days. (“Recon”)

6×13 – The Last Recruit


A few days later, Emma left the clearing along with the rest of the Man in Black’s recruits, heading towards the beach to make a rendezvous with Sawyer. (“The Last Recruit”)

LOST Encyclopedia

Emma (along with Zach and Cindy) survived the mortar attack launched by Widmore’s team and continued living on the island under Hurley’s reign. (“Lost Encyclopedia”)

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Associated LOST Themes & DHARMA Stations


Decoded Family Members

Zach (Brother)

Cindy Chandler (Adoptive Mother)

Decoded Season 1 Characters

Jack Shephard

Sayid Jarrah

Kate Austen

James Sawyer

Decoded Season 2 Characters

Ana Lucia Cortez

Mr. Eko

Libby Smith


Benjamin Linus

Decoded Season 3, 5 & 6 Characters

Juliet Burke

Man In Black


Key Episode(s) to Decoding the Character

2x07 "The Other 48 Days"

3x09 "Stranger In A Strange Land"

(Pasht) Pakhet, whose name means ‘She who scratches’, is depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness. In CT spell 470, “for reaching Orion,” the operator affirms that “I have appeared as Pakhet the Great, whose eyes are keen and whose claws are sharp, the lioness who sees and catches by night.” An inscription by the pharaoh Hatshepsut at Speos Artemidos credits Pakhet, “mistress of the desert plateau … who roams the wadis in the midst of the East,” with having “opened the roads for the water-torrent without drenching me, in order to catch the water,” that is, according to Hans Goedicke, with having diverted a flood away from Hatshepsut’s realm, that is, away from inhabited areas, into the desert. Goedicke identifies this flood as a tsunami caused by the volcanic eruption on the island of Thera (Santorini) in the Aegean. In any case, to commemorate this event Hatshepsut dedicated a new shrine at Speos Artemidos for Pakhet and “her Ennead,” that is, a pantheon of other Gods affiliated with Pakhet, the term ‘ennead’ refers to a group of nine Gods, an ideal number for sets of Gods in Egyptian theology; it is not specified, however, which Gods comprise Pakhet’s ‘Ennead’. A warrior Goddess, the cult of Pakhet was apparently most popular among professional soldiers.

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Further Info

Patron of: inner strength, especially that of women.

Appearance: a woman with the head of a lioness.

Description: Pakhet in all likelihood was a combination of Bast and Sekhmet. As her cult was centered in Middle Egypt, between the cult areas of Bast and Sekhmet, this may be the case. Her attributes of both ferocity and femininity further lend strength to this conclusion.

Worship: Middle Egypt, primary temple near Beni Hassan.d protected from inundation, but this temple has not been found, yet.


Wiki Info

In Egyptian mythology, Pakhet, Egyptian Pḫ.t , meaning she who scratches (also spelt Pachet, Pehkhet, Phastet, and Pasht) is considered a synthesis of Bast and Sekhmet, ancient deities in the two Egypts who were similar lioness war deities, one for Upper Egypt and the other for Lower Egypt. The range of the two cults met at the border between north and south, near al Minya (now known as Beni Hasan), and here the similarity of the goddesses led to a new form arising in the merged cultures.

Origin and Mythology

She is likely to be a more ancient regional lioness deity, Goddess of the Mouth of the Wadi, related to those which hunted in the wadi, near water at the boundary of the desert. Another title is She Who Opens the Ways of the Stormy Rains, which probably relates to the flash floods in the narrow valley, that occur from storms in the area. By the time Pakhet appeared in the Egyptian pantheon, during the Middle Kingdom, Bast came to be considered less as a fierce lioness, becoming more gentle, as a domesticated cat could be. Consequently, Pakhet’s character lay somewhere between the later gentleness of Bast and the ferocity of Sekhmet. Her strength was considered an inner, rather than outer, quality, while retaining all the potential capabilities of the war goddess, if needed. As with Bast and Sekhmet, she also is associated with Hathor and thereby, is a sun deity as well, wearing the solar disk as part of her crown.

It became said that rather than a simple domestic protector against vermin and venomous creatures, or a fierce warrior, she was a huntress, perhaps as a caracal, who wandered the desert alone at night looking for prey, gaining the title, Night huntress with sharp eye and pointed claw. While this desert aspect led to her being associated with desert storms, as was Sekhmet. She also was said to be a protector of motherhood, as was Bast.

In art, she was depicted as a feline-headed woman, or as a feline, often depicted killing snakes with her sharp claws. The exact nature of the feline varied between a desert wildcat, which was more similar to Bast, or a caracal, resembling Sekhmet.

Temples near al Minya

Her most famous temple was an underground, cavernous shrine that was built by Hatshepsut near al Minya, among thirty-nine ancient tombs of Middle Kingdom nomarchs of the Oryx nome, who governed from Hebenu, in an area where many quarries exist. This is in the middle of Egypt, on the east bank of the Nile. A location on the east bank is not traditional for tombs, the west was, but the terrain to the west was most difficult. A more ancient temple to this goddess at the location is known, but has not survived. Hatshepsut is known to have restored temples in this region that had been damaged by the Hyksos invaders.

Its remarkable catacombs have been excavated. Great numbers of mummified cats have been found buried there. Many are thought to have been brought great distances to be buried ceremonially during rituals at the cult center. Some references associate this goddess as, Pakhet-Weret-Hekau, (Weret Hekau meaning “she who has great magic”), implying the association with a goddess such as Hathor or Isis. Another title found is, Horus Pakht, the presence of many mumified hawks at the site would further the association with Hathor who was the mother of Horus, the hawk, the pharaoh, and the sun.

Her hunting nature led to the Greeks, who later occupied Egypt for three hundred years, identifying Pakhet with Artemis. Consequently, this underground temple became known to them as, Speos Artemidos, the Cave of Artemis, a name that persists even though the goddess is not Egyptian. The Greeks attempted to align the Egyptian deities with their own, while retaining the traditions of the Egyptian religion. Next, Egypt was conquered by the Romans, just after 30 AD, and they retained many of the Greek names. Christians and other religious sects occupied some parts of the site during the Roman Empire period. Arab place names were established after the 600s.

Hatshepsut and her daughter Neferure have been identified as the builders of a smaller temple dedicated to Pakhet nearby, which was defaced by subsequent pharaohs. It was completed during the reign of Alexander II and now is called, Speos Batn el-Bakarah.

Coffin text incantation

The Faulkner translation of Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts, Spell 470 reads,

O You of the dawn who wake and sleep,

O You who are in limpness, dwelling aforetime in Nedit,

I have appeared as Pakhet the Great,

whose eyes are keen and whose claws are sharp,

the lioness who sees and catches by night….

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Mythological Family Members & Associated Deities