Nikki Fernandez

Season: 3, Episodes: 8, Faction: Survivors


Nikki Fernandez was one of the middle section survivors from Flight 815. She spent most of her time on the Island isolated from the other survivors with her boyfriend Paulo. Before the island, she had staged an affair a producer whom the pair then murdered and robbed. They lost the diamonds they stole in the crash and spent much of their time on the island trying to recover them. After her greed and anger drove her to throw a female Medusa spider onto Paulo, a male spider bit her, paralyzing her. The survivors mistook her for dead and killed her by burying her alive.

Fertility (Water)

Sun (Fire)





3×14 – Exposé


Nikki Fernandez was an American actress originally from Los Angeles, California, who landed the guest starring role of Corvette on the Australian television show Exposé. In a scene from the finale of the fourth season, Corvette walked onto the stage, the MC declaring her the “Pride of St. Paul”. However, Corvette’s performance was interrupted when she noticed two businessmen walking into an office. She investigated, and upon entering found Mr. LaShade, played by Billy Dee Williams, handling the money for an orphanage and deducing that he was part of the villainous force in the series.


LaShade then shot her in the chest three times as she tried to take down the other men, exclaiming her catch phrase “razzle dazzle.” LaShade then told the two heroines of the show, Autumn and Crystal, that Corvette was working for the Cobra. After the cut in filming was called, Billy Dee helped Nikki up, and both remarked that it was an honor to have worked with each other. Howard L. Zukerman, the creative force behind the series, then announced to the crew that it was a series wrap for Corvette and thanked Nikki for her work.

Conning Zuckerman


Zukerman then took her outside and, against the backdrop of the Sydney Harbor and the Opera House, told her they didn’t have to kill her off; that she could have not died or been wearing a bullet proof vest, but she proved this impossible by revealing that Corvette was wearing a faux diamond bikini at the time of her death. He then told her that he expected her to return to L.A now her work on Exposé had concluded, but she said that she wasn’t leaving because she loved him.


Some time later, Nikki and Zukerman were dining at his large home and Nikki complimented the food. Zukerman then told her of his newest chef, Paulo who he introduced to Nikki and the two playfully bantered among themselves. After Paulo departed, Zukerman recited the story of his hiring of Paulo before offering Nikki a bread roll, and upon taking it she realized that a diamond bracelet was hidden underneath. Zukerman then professed that it wasn’t a ring, yet, but as soon as his wife was out of the way — but he was stopped in his tracks as he started to choke. A worried Nikki called for Paulo, but soon he was dead.


At this point, Nikki and Paulo gave up their ruse and tore away the key he wore around his neck. They then proceeded to a secret room and opened the safe. Paulo started to light up a cigarette, but Nikki stopped him, foreshadowing with the lament, “Ashes are evidence, Paulo. We poisoned him, let’s not poison ourselves.” Inside the safe they found a matryoshka doll, and upon opening it Nikki and Paulo found $8 million worth of diamonds, which made Nikki exclaim, “Razzle freakin’ dazzle.”

Oceanic Flight 815


The day of Oceanic Flight 815, Nikki and Paulo sat in the Sydney Airport cafe reading a newspaper article which told the story of Zukerman’s death and said that he was presumed to have died from a heart attack. After telling her that he was chewing nicotine gum having quit smoking for her, they shared a toast to their new life together.


However, they were soon interrupted by Shannon and Boone arguing about finding a seat, with Shannon complaining that there were not seats free and screaming that Boone already lost them their first class seats so why could he find seats here. Boone then asked if he could take a chair from Nikki and Paulo’s table and they agreed, but Shannon stormed off, wanting to leave. As they watched the feuding couple leave, with Shannon telling Boone to “stop flirting with random guys”, Nikki asked Paulo to promise they would never end up like them, and Paulo made her that promise. The couple then boarded the doomed flight. (“Exposé”)

On the Island (Days 1-49)

3×14 – Exposé


Immediately after the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, Nikki began searching through the wreckage to find Paulo. However her search was interrupted as she is warned by John Locke to get out of the way of the turbine which was close to exploding and to get down. Nikki witness first hand the death of Gary Troup who didn’t listen to Locke’s warning as was sucked into the turbine forcing it to explode. Close to giving in, she saw a pair of feet sticking out from under the wreckage and helped the man, who she thought was Paulo, up. The man was Leslie Arzt,who questioned if he had survived. Nikki walked off only to be asked by Boone if she had a pen, a request Jack made to help save Rose. Nikki gave up hope on finding Paulo, only to see him at the edge of the beach looking out to sea, severely shell shocked. Despite the desperate situation, Nikki had only one question – “Where are the diamonds?”


Six days later, Nikki and Paulo searched the camp for her script bag, which contained the $8 million worth of diamonds. Paulo, however, was more preoccupied with the Monster in the jungle than finding the script bag. They were then approached by a fellow survivor, who introduced himself as Ethan Rom, who told them that there were spare clothes they could use should they need it. Nikki thanked him and replied, they didn’t need clothes. They further explained, Paulo had lost his nicotine gum. Ethan advised them to look inland as the plane split apart over the island. They were interrupted by Arzt, who was yelling that it was Boone who stole the water. As chaos began to fall on the camp, Jack returned and calmed everyone. Nikki was present as Jack delivered his “live together, die alone” speech.


Two weeks later, Nikki went to Arzt’s tent where he was observing some of the new species he had found. He had claimed he would be the next Charles Darwin. She asked if he was a scientist, to which Arzt responded “an educator, yes”. He then told her about his most interesting and dangerous discovery – the Latrodectus Regina, also known as the Medusa Spider, and claimed its pheromones were so strong that it could attract every male of the species, likening it to Nikki. She then asked if he knew anything about trajectories and he agreed to draw her a map to help her find her luggage.


Nikki and Paulo, following the map that Arzt drew, began to search for their luggage. Paulo was initially skeptical about listening to a junior high science teacher and Nikki joked that Paulo was jealous of Arzt. Bitterly, Paulo responded that he wouldn’t be surprised given that she slept with Zukerman. A comment that Nikki did not take well. However, their search lead them to the Beechcraft plane sat atop the canopy. Nikki told Paulo to climb up and see if they had a radio but he refused asking “do you want me to die?” Upon turning around they found the entrance to the Pearl station and opened the door. Paulo was initially happy to climb down the shaft into the dark tunnel, but Nikki refused to let him, saying their bag wouldn’t have opened a manhole and climbed down. They continued their search and didn’t tell the survivors of their discoveries.


Nine days later, Nikki and Paulo overheard an argument between Shannon, Arzt and Kate over the Marshal’s Halliburton case which Shannon laments Kate and her two boyfriends found. After an annoyed Shannon and Arzt walk away, Nikki asks Kate where they found the case.


At the waterfall, Paulo asked why he had to jump in, and she responded that he reminds her on every chance that she slept with Zukerman and so therefore he has to do this for them. Worried he asked Nikki if she would need him without the bags. Nikki reminds him the bag is worth $8 million dollars and orders him to dive into the water. Paulo takes this response as her saying that she wouldn’t need him if they found the bag and after diving in, he returned to the surface and told her the bag was not there. She walked away, unaware he was lying as he went to retrieve the bag from the bottom of the water. Paulo tried to bury the diamonds on the beach later, but eventually concluded to leave them in the Pearl station. (“Exposé”)

Days 72-81

3×03 – Further Instructions


When Locke and Charlie returned from saving Eko after the Swan implosion and brought him back to camp, Nikki and Paulo assisted them, and Nikki lamented they needed Jack to help the injured survivor. However, at this point Hurley told the group that Jack wasn’t coming back and the Others had him. This infuriated Nikki, who questioned why Hurley hadn’t told them sooner. Locke, however, delivered a speech to Nikki, Paulo, Claire, Charlie, and Hurley saying they would find Jack, Kate and Sawyer together. He then told Nikki and Paulo to fetch towels to help Eko. (“Further Instructions”)

3×05 – The Cost of Living


A few days later, Locke alerted the group that planned to head out to the Pearl Station to both attempt communication with the Others and to trail a missing Eko. Nikki decided she would like to join him and tried to become more involved with the group – something Paulo did not approve. He questioned why she wanted to go, and she replied he is always complaining about not being included and this was their chance. Nikki and Paulo then joined Locke, Desmond and Sayid and they ventured to the Pearl. Inside, Nikki watched the orientation video for the station as the others attempted to work out the wiring. She, however, noticed that Mark Wickmund said that there were six stations and questioned if the other TV’s were connected to the other hatches.


As the others worked on feeding a connection from other stations, Paulo emerged from the toilet – Nikki was unaware that he had just continued his deception by hiding the diamonds. Sayid managed to successfully patch the feed from the Flame station, which revealed a man wearing an eye patch.


Locke then lamented that he would be expecting them. The sound of the Monster, however, called the survivors up from the Pearl station and they arrived to find Eko who died from the wounds he sustained from an attack by the Black Smoke. (“The Cost of Living”)

3×06 – I Do


Moments after Eko’s death, Nikki questioned what happened to him and Locke lied, saying that it must have been an animal despite his knowledge of what really killed him. Locke and Sayid departed to find Eko’s stick covered with scripture, and when they buried Eko at the entrance to the Pearl station. Nikki then returned to the beach camp. (“I Do”)

3×10 – Tricia Tanaka Is Dead


Several days later Hurley found a DHARMA van in the jungle and asked for volunteers to help him fix the van and get it going again for a source of fun to relieve the stress of Island life. Nikki seemed to want to help him, but Paulo refused to allow her – pulling her back by the loop of her shorts and she apologized as he did so. When Kate and Sawyer returned to the camp Nikki was among the survivors who welcomed them back – hugging Kate first and then Sawyer. (“Tricia Tanaka Is Dead”)

3×11 – Enter 77


Later, Nikki was among the survivors who helped in carrying the ping-pong table from the imploded Swan and she helped in setting it up. However, Sawyer soon noticed that the survivors had been taking his stash during his absence and, when he confronted them about it, Nikki spoke up and said that it wasn’t his to start with, to which he responded “Who the hell are you?” Sawyer’s was forced to release ownership of his stash when he lost to Hurley. (“Enter 77”)

3×14 – Exposé

A few days later Nikki and Paulo sat on the beach together, and she confessed to him that she is sad that Thanksgiving passed a few weeks back, and they didn’t even remember to celebrate it. She began to worry that they will never be rescued from the island, but Paulo comforted her. He said he is glad that they didn’t find the diamonds (even though he was in possession of them at the time) because it was beginning to tear them apart as a couple. He left Nikki to go get them both some breakfast, and accidentally left his nicotine gum in the sand, which fell out of his pocket. Nikki picked the nicotine gum up, and realized that he must have found their bags if he has found the gum, because they were stored together when on the plane – putting two and two together, she realized she had been double crossed by Paulo.

Later, Desmond saw Nikki arguing with Sawyer. She demanded that Sawyer let her have one of the guns he had in his possession, but he refused, saying she is too agitated, and it wouldn’t do any good if he gave her one. He commented he doesn’t have the guns anymore anyway, yelling “who the hell are you?” as she stormed away from him in anger and frustration.


Nikki later pretended she was taking Paulo to a secret location, but then, in the jungle, she confronted him. He lied to her, saying that he didn’t have the diamonds, but Nikki shows him the gum. She produced one of the jars from Arzt’s specimen jars and threw the Medusa Spider from the jar at Paulo. She then described to him that it is called the Medusa Spider because it slows the heart rate of the victim down to a point where it is almost undetectable for around eight hours. Paulo’s paralysis then began to set in, and Nikki begins to search for the diamonds, first throwing off his shoe and then realizing he hid them in his underwear. He tells her he hid them because he thought if she had the diamonds she wouldn’t need him anymore. She realized what she has done and stared apologetically at Paulo. However, the ticking sounds of the Monster are heard and an onslaught of male Medusa Spiders appeared, but a distracted Nikki didn’t realize. She is then bitten by one of the spiders, a personification of the monster itself, on the ankle. Following her bite from the Medusa Spider, Nikki began to run back to the beach camp to warn them of her and Paulo’s predicament, but stopped briefly to bury the diamonds for safe keeping.


Nikki made her way back to the beach camp, collapsing in front of Sawyer and Hurley at the ping-pong table. She attempted to utter “paralyzed” as they crowded around her, but they couldn’t understand what she was saying due to her paralysis. As Sawyer began to leave to try and get help, Hurley stopped him and told that him Nikki was dead, to which he responded “Who the hell is Nikki?”


Because of her mysterious and ambiguous last words, Sawyer, Hurley, Charlie, Jin, Desmond and Sun attempted to unravel the mystery about what happened to the little-known couple, who were both paralyzed and presumed dead after Paulo was also found in the jungle. The group ransacked the couple’s tent, finding Paulo’s walkie (causing suspicions that the pair were in league with the Others) and the Exposé script, which Hurley commented he was a big fan of. Hurley began to suspect Sawyer played a part in their “deaths” due to Desmond seeing him arguing with Nikki hours earlier, however Sawyer maintained his innocence, and the group continued to bury Nikki and Paulo.


However, during this, Vincent dragged the black material off their bodies, forcing them to be buried without it. Having dug the graves and placed the “corpses” inside, Sawyer mumbled, “Rest in peace, Nikki and Paulo,” getting their names right, and scattered their diamonds over their bodies. Hurley then gave a eulogy and said even though they appeared to have killed each other over the diamonds, they were nice to him, and that he liked Exposé. Hurley and Sawyer then began to fill the graves. Slowly, the sand began to cover their bodies, and just as it covered their faces, the spider’s venom began to wear off, and Nikki opened her eyes to see sand hitting her face. Unable to move and warn the survivors of their real state, Nikki and Paulo were buried alive. (“Exposé”)


3×15 – Left Behind


The day after their tragic demise, the deaths of both Nikki and Paulo were one of the numerous reasons used by Hurley in persuading Sawyer to take a leadership role in the group. (“Left Behind”)

4×12 – There’s No Place Like Home, Part 1


According to the story told by the Oceanic Six, Nikki died in the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 when it hit the water along with boyfriend Paulo. (“There’s No Place Like Home, Part 1”)

4×07 – Ji Yeon


In the summer of 2005, the season four finale of Exposé aired on Korean TV. Moments before Sun went to labor with her baby, the Korean dub of Nikki’s character, Corvette’s death at the hands of Mr. LaShade was playing on Sun’s TV, until she turned it off. However, Sun didn’t seem to recognize Nikki in the program. (“Ji Yeon”)

6×04 – The Substitute


Just beyond the opening of the Cliffside cave is a room in which Jacob has written the last names of several candidates on the walls and ceiling, and a number preceding each one. When the wall is first seen, all of the names and numbers are crossed out except for those preceded by one of The Numbers. The Man in Black explains that each name is the name of a candidate. Nikki’s surname Fernandez is crossed out, presumably due to her death. According to it, her number was 321. (“The Substitute”)

6×07 – Dr. Linus


Three years after her death, Miles said to Ben that he didn’t need Ben’s money, because Nikki and Paulo have 8 million dollars worth of diamonds buried with them. It also appears that Miles “spoke” to Nikki and Paulo due to the fact that he knew they were buried alive.


Afterward, Miles was shown with a diamond in his hand, implying he dug up their graves to retrieve them. (“Dr. Linus”)

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Associated LOST Themes & DHARMA Stations


Decoded Family Members & Lovers

Paulo (Boyfriend)

Howard L. Zuckerman (Ex-Lover)

Decoded Season 1 Characters

Hurley Reyes

Dr. Leslie Arzt

John Locke

James Sawyer

Shannon Rutherford

Boone Carlyle

Kate Austen

Ethan Rom

Sun-Hwa Kwon

Sayid Jarrah

Decoded Season 2 Characters

Mr. Eko

Benjamin Linus

Desmond Hume

Dr. Pierre Chang

Decoded Season 4 & 5 Characters

Miles Straume

The Man In Black

Ilana Verdansky

Key Episode(s) to Decoding the Character

3x14 "Exposé"

(Serqet, as well as Selkis/Selqis/Selket) Serket is depicted as a woman with the sign of a water scorpion or, later, a true or land scorpion atop her head. The ‘scorpion’ atop Serket’s head, if it is a scorpion at all, is usually represented without stinger, or even evident legs. It is often claimed that the scorpion is thus rendered symbolically harmless in order to indicate Serket’s beneficence; it has been convincingly established, however, that the animal originally associated with Serket is not a scorpion proper, but the so-called water scorpion, or nepa, which despite its name is not an arachnid like a true scorpion, but an insect. The stingerless tail of the ersatz ‘scorpion’ depicted atop Serket’s head would thus in fact be the caudal siphon or breathing tube of the water scorpion. Starting in the 19th Dynasty, however, whether due to syncretism or simple confusion, Serket begins to be associated with the arachnid scorpion. Serket’s primary role appears to be as a sort of divine physician; sometimes her name is rendered more fully as ‘Serket-Hetu’ or ‘Serket-Hetyt’, which seems to mean ‘opener of the windpipe’, i.e., giver of breath (might the Egyptians successfully discerned the function of the water scorpion’s breathing tube?). A class of priests known as the kherepu, or ‘conjurors’, of Serket were apparently physicians specializing in the treatment of stings and bites of venomous animals (F. von Känel, Les prêtres-ouâb de Sekhmet et les conjurateurs de Serket). Serket is paired with Neith in the group of four Goddesses positioned protectively around the sarcophagus (the “throne” of PT utterance 362), the others being Isis and Nephthys. Serket also plays a role in the fight against the serpent Apophis, the divine embodiment of entropy; in CT spell 752, the deceased states “I am skilled in the craft of Serket-Hetyt; therefore I will drive off Apophis, ferrying across the firmament.” She is regarded as the mother of Nehebkau as early as the Pyramid Texts (utterance 308).

Despite her helpful nature Serket retains an element of danger, as indicated by the reference in PT utterance 385 to a snake, “Dedy son of Serket-Hetu,” against whom other Gods are mobilized to defend the deceased. More typical, however, is CT spell 885 where the deceased states, “My cavern is that of Serket, the snake is in my hand and cannot bite me.” In a spell identifying the deceased with Osiris (PT utterance 219), Osiris/the deceased is called “Dweller in the Mansion of Serket, a contented spirit.” The “mansion” of Serket is probably an astronomical reference (see below); in PT utterance 571 the deceased king is said to be “an imperishable star … who dwells in the Mansion of Serket,” and the plural “Mansions of Serket” are referred to in utterance 534 as a place to which Nephthys is sent if she “comes with evil.” This latter spell contains a series of formulae for repelling a host of ordinarily beneficent Gods (Horus, Thoth, Isis) in case they should come attempting to appropriate the tomb for themselves; the formula involving Nephthys and Serket is interesting inasmuch as it is the only one of the repulsion formulae which pits one deity against another, not to mention two deities so often grouped together. CT spells 1069 and 1176 share a common formula, in which the deceased, at a certain bend in a netherworld waterway, calls out “O Serket, I shall exist forever!”

Serket is often involved in magical spells protecting against snakes and scorpions or curing their bites and stings. Serket is the narrator—thus, in effect, the operator—of a well-known spell which recounts a myth involving Isis and Re (no. 84 in Borghouts). In the latter, Isis fashions a serpent out of earth mixed with Re’s saliva; in a spell for warding off a snake (Borghouts no. 137), a wad of clay in which is embedded a knife and a bundle of herbs in order to magically absorb the snake’s attack is called “this clay of Isis that has come forth from under the armpit of Serket.” In another spell involving Isis, Serket advises Isis, when the infant Horus has been poisoned by a venomous creature in the marsh, to call to heaven: “Then the crew of Re will come to a standstill and the boat of Re will not sail on as long as the boy Horus is lying on his side,” i.e., unconscious. Serket is also named as the operator of another spell against snake bite or scorpion sting (Borghouts no. 112).

One version of CT spell 84, for “Becoming Nehebkau,” mentions Serket. The other version mentions Seshat instead, but the reference to Nehebkau makes Serket more likely to be correct. The operator states, “I have presented offerings before Isis and Nephthys, that they may place holy things upon the arms of Serket, who is pregnant with me and holds back from me. She is angry with me and she stabs at me. I have made the front which is between her thighs as Him-whose-head-is-raised,” an epithet of a serpent, perhaps alluding at once to sexual excitation and to a threat to strike. A curious formula occurs in certain versions of BD spell 32, for “driving off the four crocodiles that come to take a man’s magic away from him in the God’s domain [or, ‘that come to take a blessed one’s heart away from him in the God’s domain]“: the four crocodiles are identified with the four cardinal points, and the formula against the crocodile from the north states that “Serket is in my belly, unborn [or, ‘unbegotten’].”

Serket’s ‘birth’ is spoken of in PT utterance 569, among a list of cosmic events which shall be prevented if the deceased king cannot reach the sky, in a context implying that Serket is to be identified with some particular star or constellation. Egyptian star maps do show Serket among the northern constellations, either on the same plane as the Big Dipper (meskhetiu in Egyptian) and behind it, or at right angles and before it (Egyptian Astronomical Texts, vol. 3, p. 183). Egyptian star maps vary so much in their arrangement and are so fanciful in their presentation, however, that it has proven impossible to securely identify any of the northern constellations other than the Big Dipper. From the reference to ‘birth’, moreover, one would expect the passage from the Pyramid Texts to be referring to a constellation which rises and sets, which means that if Serket’s constellation is the same in the Pyramid Texts and in the later star charts, it is probably further from the Dipper than the charts depict it.

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Further Info

Serqet (Serket, Selqet, Selket, Selkit, Selkis) was the ancient Egyptian scorpion goddess of magic. As with other dangerous goddesses, she was both a protective goddess, and one who punished the wrong doers with her burning wrath. She could punish those with the poison of a scorpion or snake, causing breathlessness and death, or she could protect against the same venom. Yet just as she could kill, she was thought to give breath to the justified dead, helping them be reborn in the afterlife.

Serqet was often shown as a woman with a scorpion on her head, and occasionally as a scorpion with the head of a woman, though this was rare. She was sometimes shown wearing the headdress of Hathor – a solar disk with cow horns – but this was after Isis started to be shown wearing it. (Serqet was closely connected with Isis and her twin sister Nephthys.) By the XXI Dynasty, she was sometimes shown with the head of a lioness, with a protective crocodile at the back of her neck.

The Egyptian scorpion-goddess is srq.(j)t … A fuller form, srq.(j)t-Ht.w exists, that has been rather surprisingly translated “She Who Lets Throats Breathe”, a rather unusual role for a poisonous arachnid. I believe rather that srq is cognate with Indo-European streng/k-; and that it means “to tighten, stiffen” so that srq.(j)t-Ht.w should be translated as “She Who Stiffens (Paralyzes) the Throats”, rather more keeping with the usually anticipated effects of a scorpion’s bite. This is a suitable epithet for a deity that is so closely connected with seasonal death.

As a protective goddess, she was called on by the people to protect and heal them from snake bites and scorpion stings. She was thought to be the one who helped Isis protect Horus from scorpions, either by providing the goddess with seven scorpions to protect her, or by calling to Isis for the royal barque of Ra to stop, forcing the other gods to help bring Horus back to life. She also joined Ra’s solar journeys through the underworld each night, and helped to protect the barque from the attack of the snake-demon Apep. It was believed that she had power over all snakes, reptiles and poisonous animals. She was thought to especially protect children and pregnant women from these creatures.

“Rejoice, most fortunate of women, for you shall bear a daughter who shall be the child of Amen-Ra, who shall reign over the Two Lands of Egypt and be sovereign of the whole world.”

The monument in the temple shows their bodies interlocked, the god offering her the ankh to breath life, and throwing some rituals on her foot. Nit, the goddess of life, and Serqet the protectoress of the living were holding the god and queen’s feet.

In the underworld, she helped in the process of rebirth of the newly deceased, and oriented them as they came to her, giving them the breath of life. She was given the title “Mistress of the Beautiful House”, associating her with the Divine Booth where mummification took place. She was the protector of the canopic jar that held the intestines, along with Qebehsenuef – a falcon headed Son of Horus. She was associated with the western cardinal point.

(I am) Serqet, mistress of heaven and lady of all the gods. I have come before you (Oh) King’s Great Wife, Mistress of the Two Lands, Lady of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nefertari, Beloved of Mut, Justified Before Osiris Who Resides in Abtu (Abydos), and I have accorded you a place in the sacred land, so that you may appear gloriously in heaven like Ra.

— Inscription in the Tomb of Nefetari, Serqet speaking to Nefertari

Originally she was worshiped in the Delta, but her cult spread throughout the land of Egypt, with cult centers at Djeba and Per-Serqet (Pselkis, el Dakka). The priests of Serqet were doctors and magicians – in ancient Egypt, medicine was a mixture of folklore, magic and science – who dedicated themselves to healing venomous bites from poisonous creatures. The goddess herself was invoked by the people to both prevent and heal poisonous animal bites. Although she had a priesthood, there have been no temples to this goddess found as yet.

She was believed to be either the mother or daughter of the sun god Ra, and thus her wrath was thought to be like the burning, noonday sun. It was probably because of her very close connection with Isis and her twin sister Nephthys that in Djeba (Utes-Hor, Behde, Edfu), she was believed to be the wife of Horus and the mother of Harakhety (Horus of the Horizon). The Pyramid Texts claim that she was the mother of Nehebkau, a snake god who protected the pharaoh from snakebites. She was also identified with Seshat, the goddess of writing. With Nit, she was a watcher of the sky who, in one story, was thought to stop Amen and his wife from being disturbed while they were together, making her a goddess of marriages.

Egypt was a land of snakes and scorpions, so it is only natural that the worship of this goddess spread through Egypt. The people worshiped her for her protection against these dangerous creatures, and revered her for her power and protective qualities. She guarded all of the people, including the pharaoh, mothers and children. Her followers were priestly doctors, healing the people affected by venom. She extended her protection from life into the land of the dead, not only helping to revive the dead, but to introduce them with the afterlife. She even protected the other gods from the serpent-demon, Apep. Although having no temples, she was worshiped throughout the land of Egypt.

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Wiki Info

In Egyptian mythology, Serket (also spelt Selchis, Selket, Selkis, Selkhit, Selkit, Selqet, Serkhet, Serket-hetyt, Serqet and Serquet) is the goddess of healing stings and bites who originally was the deification of the scorpion.

Scorpion stings lead to paralysis and Serket’s name describes this, as it means (she who) tightens the throat, however, Serket’s name also can be read as meaning (she who) causes the throat to breathe, and so, as well as being seen as stinging the unrighteous, Serket was seen as one who could cure scorpion stings and the effects of other poisons such as snake bites.

In Ancient Egyptian art, Serket was shown as a scorpion (a symbol found on the earliest artifacts of the culture, such as the protodynastic period), or as a woman with a scorpion on her head. Although Serket doesn’t appear to have had temples, she had a sizable number of priests in many communities.

The most dangerous species of scorpion resides in North Africa, and its sting may kill, so Serket was considered a highly important goddess, and was sometimes considered by pharaohs to be their patron. Her close association with the early kings implies that she was their protector, two being referred to as the scorpion kings.

As the protector against poisons and snake bites, Serket often was said to protect the deities from Apep, the great snake-demon of evil, sometimes being depicted as the guard when Apep was captured.

As many of the venomous creatures of Egypt could prove fatal, Serket also was considered a protector of the dead, particularly being associated with poisons and fluids causing stiffening. She was thus said to be the protector of the tents of embalmers, and of the canopic jar associated with poison—the jar of the intestine—which was deified later as Qebehsenuf, one of the Four sons of Horus.

As the guard of one of the canopic jars and a protector, Serket gained a strong association with Aset (Isis), Nebet Het (Nephthys), and Neith who also performed similar functions. Eventually, long into Egyptian history that spanned thousands of years and whose pantheon evolved toward a merger of many deities, Serket began to be identified as Isis, sharing imagery and parentage, until finally, late in their history Serket became said to be merely an aspect of Isis, whose cult had become very dominant.


Mythological Family Members & Associated Deities