Danny Pickett

Season: 2-3, Episodes: 7, Faction: The Others



Danny Pickett was one of the Others. He appeared to be an aide to Tom and Bea, and he played an administrative role as a quarry supervisor and may have been involved in Karl’s punishment. He was Colleen’s husband. After she was shot dead while unarmed by Sun, he took out his anger on Sawyer and almost killed him. He was killed by Juliet on Day 73. His name appears on Jacob’s wall, meaning that he was a candidate.


Fertility (Water)

Fertility (Vegetation)



On the Island

4×06 – The Other Woman

The earliest mention of Pickett was from a reference from Ben during the time when Goodwin died. Ben brought Juliet to Goodwin’s body and Ben mentioned Danny and Tom were searching for the tailies and were unsuccessful in finding them. (“The Other Woman”)

Days 54-67

2×22 – Three Minutes


He first appeared during the Others’ capture of Michael. Michael had left the other survivors in search of his son Walt. Pickett distracted Michael by urinating on a tree, so Tom could surprise and capture Michael from behind.


Pickett displayed his belligerence when Michael freed himself from Tom’s grip and started to shoot with a second firearm. Pickett immediately returned fire, but was stopped by Tom who claimed they needed him, then re-captured him with a non-lethal slingshot.


Later that day, the Others also captured Kate. That evening the survivor’s “Hunting Party” of Jack, Sawyer, and Locke challenged Tom at the line. Pickett, Alex, and the others were hidden out of view nearby, with Michael and Kate gagged and bound as hostages. When Tom asked Alex to bring Kate out to end the confrontation, Alex begged Pickett to do it instead, and he complied.


Afterwards, at the Decoy Village, Pickett appeared to be working under Ms. Klugh. He took a blood sample from Michael, then later brought Walt to Michael’s hut, and took him away again when Walt tried to tell Michael that the Others were misrepresenting themselves. (“Three Minutes”)

2×24 – Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2


After four days, at the Pala Ferry dock, Danny witnessed the exchange between the Others and Michael. However he did not actively participate other than kicking Sawyer in the stomach when he called Tom “a son-of-bitch”. This would be the first of many violent encounters between Pickett and Sawyer. (“Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2”)

Days 68-73

3×02 – The Glass Ballerina


In contrast with his gruff appearance in Season 2, Pickett has appeared clean-shaven and neatly dressed in Season 3 (as have the rest of the Others). Following Kate, Sawyer, and Jack’s first day on Hydra Island, Colleen was revealed to have a relationship with Pickett, as she kissed him before going on a mission, and he told her to be careful. Picket then brought Sawyer and Kate from the cages to the quarry to work, where apparently he had a supervisory role. This was the last time Danny saw his wife alive.


Pickett immediately was belligerent. He yelled at Sawyer for watching his conversation with Colleen, and at the quarry, he also beat and tasered Sawyer, as well as verbally harassing Kate. Sawyer escalated the conflict when he arranged an almost-successful escape attempt that began with his kissing Kate in defiance of Pickett. After Juliet arrived to foil Sawyer, Pickett again tasered Sawyer. This scene marked the first of a continuing pattern of abusing Sawyer and being resentful of his relationship with Kate. (“The Glass Ballerina”)

3×04 – Every Man for Himself


The next day, Colleen returned mortally wounded from her mission. Sun had shot the unarmed Colleen in the chest while Colleen was attempting to reason with her. Jack, who was attempting to save her, crudely and insensitively ordered a grief-stricken Pickett out of the Hydra operation room, whereupon he went to the cages to take out his frustration on Sawyer by severely beating him and continuing until he had forced Kate to admit that she loved Sawyer. (“Every Man for Himself”)

3×05 – The Cost of Living


Later at Colleen’s funeral, Danny was seen kneeling at her coffin and crying. His wife’s coffin was then lit on fire and pushed into the ocean, with the song “I Wonder” in the background. (“The Cost of Living”)

3×06 – I Do


On the fourth day as the Other’s prisoners, Pickett came to the cages to take Kate to the quarry. When Kate suspected a ploy to get Sawyer alone, she insisted that Sawyer come to work too, and Pickett complied. Later at the quarry, Pickett stopped Alex’s attack on the Others in search of Karl by threatening her with his gun and capturing her. In a further revelation of the hierarchy of the Others, Alex had been demanding to speak to Ben, while being suspicious that Pickett in particular had hurt Karl.

When Pickett brought Sawyer back to the cages, he threatened Sawyer’s life by suggesting that he should say goodbye to Kate by tonight, a threat that Juliet also observed. This threat may have contributed to Sawyer and Kate sleeping together that evening. Later, when Jack began surgery on Ben, keeping both Ben, Juliet, and Tom occupied, Pickett took this opportunity to leave the operating room to kill Sawyer, despite Jason’s suggestion not to. Pickett commented that Ben just put his life in Jack’s hands, who was not even on Jacob’s list.


Pickett and Jason made their way to the cages area, where he found Kate in Sawyer’s cage. He dragged Sawyer out while Jason held Kate at gunpoint, and prepared to execute Sawyer at close range with his gun. As Pickett prepared to shoot, his motivations were clear as he told Kate to watch and added, “This is for Colleen, you son of a b—-!” However he was interrupted when Tom called him on the radio, informing him that Jack had wounded Ben in surgery to hold him hostage. The scene ended as Jack demanded to have Sawyer and Kate released. (“I Do”)

3×07 – Not in Portland


In an unexpected movement, Pickett and Jason are beat up and left unconscious locked in Sawyer’s cage by Kate and Sawyer. Ivan who was sent by Juliet to hunt down Kate and Sawyer find the two conscious again and yelling for someone to let them out.


Once let out the three of them head after Kate and Sawyer quickly catching them on the beach. Once again they fail to capture the two and quickly lose their trail as Sawyer and Kate are hidden in a hole by Alex. Pickett, Ivan and Jason head out in the jungle in the wrong direction.


Pickett later finds Aldo and seems to be angry at him for letting Kate, Sawyer and Alex in the building to rescue Karl. Pickett ignores Juliets commands to let the three of them go and sets off to find them. He later finds Alex, helping Kate and Sawyer into a boat along with a semi-conscious Karl, and prepares to shoot Sawyer. All of a sudden, Juliet appeared, calling his name. As he turned to look at her, she shoots him twice, piercing his chest. His body was left there. (“Not in Portland”)

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Related Character Images



Associated DHARMA Stations

Decoded Family Members

Colleen Pickett (Wife)

Decoded Season 1 Characters

James Sawyer

Kate Austen

Michael Dawson

John Locke

Walt Lloyd

Tom Friendly

Decoded Season 2 Characters

Alex Rousseau

Ben Linus

Beatrice Klugh

Decoded Season 3 Characters

Juliet Burke




Key Episode(s) to Decoding the Character

2x22 "Three Minutes"

3x02 "The Glass Ballerina"

3x04 "Every Man For Himself"

3x05 "The Cost Of Living"

3x06 "I Do"

3x07 "Not In Portland"

(Also Baba, Bebon) A God depicted as a baboon, often with a prominent phallus. In the Pyramid Texts the door-bolt of the sky is referred to as “the phallus of Babi” (utterance 313), and the king identifies himself with Babi, “Lord of the night sky, Bull of the baboons” (320; similarly in spell 668 of the Coffin Texts, “To become Babi in the realm of the dead”) but also requires protection from Babi, as in utterance 549: “Get back, Babi, red of ear and purple of hindquarters!” In this spell it is said that Babi has stolen a portion of sacrificial meat allotted to an unspecified Goddess. Babi (like Seth) expresses the qualities of vigor and sexual potency in the fullness of their ambivalence, always testing any established limits whether social or natural. In the Coffin Texts the deceased says “I am the phallus of Babi” (822) and “my protection is Babi” (945), and in spell 359 “I am Babi, the eldest son of Osiris.” Babi is also mentioned as “having power over water” as “the oar of Re,” probably a phallic reference. The phallus of Babi, “which creates children and begets calves” is the mast of the netherworld ferry-boat in spell 397, and several other parts of the boat are identified with him in 398. Once again, however, Babi is ambivalent; for his phallus is also the mast of the boat of the netherworld fishermen who threaten the deceased with their nets (473); however this boat is given a positive value in the course of this spell insofar as the deceased is to be a passenger on it. The boat itself, then, of which Babi is an integral part, can either be a trap or a conveyance, depending upon the mode in which one engages it, hence the importance in these ‘boat’ spells of knowing the names of each of the boat’s parts, which form a system of divine identifications that make of the boat a model of the cosmos.

Another instance of Babi’s ambivalence is his seeming potential to cause symbolic impotence, which is implied by the reference in spell 548, a spell against being ferried to the east (indicating perhaps counter-solar motion) or “dying again in the realm of the dead,” to the phallus of Re “which goes awry for him in uproar, the inertness of which comes into being through Babi.” In the version of this spell appearing in the Book of the Dead, however (93), it seems as if the phallus of Re, which is “more active than he [Re] when passionate,” transforms Re’s “torpidity” into “that of Babi,” implying either that Re borrows Babi’s potency and therefore renders him ‘torpid’ instead, or that Re becomes no longer torpid, and thus like Babi. The deceased, at any rate, identifies with this purely phallic power in order to “grow more powerful thereby than the Powerful,” so as to threaten that if any harm comes to him/her “then this phallus of Re shall swallow the head of Osiris.” This is another instance in which the deceased, generally identified in the Book of the Dead with Osiris, identifies with forces transcending the passive aspect of Osiris. Naturally the phallus of the deceased is that of Babi in spell 576 of the Coffin Texts, a spell to charge an amulet that empowers the deceased to copulate in the other world. The reference to “Babi of the horizon” in 581 perhaps identifies Babi as chief of the baboons who are traditionally depicted greeting the sun at its dawning, or identifies Babi’s erection with this dawning, or simply applies his strength to this task. In spell 682 the deceased is “the Watcher who goes forth from food-offerings, Babi who goes forth from the Castle,” Babi perhaps being a symbol of the power of the Gods to enforce their will. In the Book of the Dead, Babi is a member, along with Shu, Re and Osiris of “the great Council that is in Naref,” a tribunal before which Thoth defends the deceased against his/her “enemies” (18). In spell 63 Babi is “first son of Osiris, whom every God united to himself,” as at Coffin Texts 359 where Babi “assembled every God,” presumably because his phallic potency is common to all the Gods. And yet the deceased must still ensure (spell 125) that the Gods “rescue me from Babi, who lives on the entrails of the elders, on this day of the great accounting.” Thus the texts are remarkably consistent in their depiction of Babi as a force of sheer natural vitality whose disposition toward one is wholly dependent upon one’s ability to correctly harness it.

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Further Info

Babi was a fierce, bloodthirsty baboon god who was ancient even in the realm of Egyptian gods. We find him mentioned as early as the Old Kingdom, when Babi “bull (i.e. dominant male) of the baboons” with his supernatural aggression is an attribute to which the monarch aspires. He controls the darkness and will open up the sky for the king since his phallus is the bolt on the doors of heaven. This virility symbol is carried over into a later spell where in order to ensure successful sexual intercourse in the Afterlife a man identifies his sexuality with Babi. Perhaps it is not entirely fortuitous that the Underworld ferryboat uses Babi’s phallus as its mast.

This dangerous god lives on human entrails and murders on sight. Hence spells are needed to protect oneself against him, particularly during the weighing of the heart ceremony in the Hall of the Two Truths. where a person’s fitness for paradise is determined. Naturally this hostile aspect of Babi leads to an identification with Seth. Conversely Babi can use his immense power to ward off dangers like snakes and control turbulent waters. Understandably in the Book of the Dead the deceased makes the magical progression to become Babi who in turn transforms into the “eldest son of Osiris“.


Wiki Info

In Egyptian mythology, Babi, also Baba, was the deification of the baboon, one of the main animals present in Egypt. His name is usually translated as Bull of the baboons, and roughly means Alpha male of all baboons, i.e. chief of the baboons. Since Baboons exhibit many human characteristics, it was believed in early times, at least since the Predynastic Period, that they were deceased ancestors. In particular, the alpha males were identified as deceased rulers, referred to as the great white one (Hez-ur in Egyptian), since Hamadryas baboon (the species prevalent in Egypt) alpha males have a notable light grey streak. For example, Narmer is depicted in some images as having transformed into a baboon.

Since baboons were considered to be the dead, Babi was viewed as an underworld deity. Baboons are extremely aggressive, and omnivorous, and so Babi was viewed as being very bloodthirsty, and living on entrails. Consequently, he was viewed as devouring the souls of the unrighteous after they had been weighed against Ma’at (the concept of truth/order), and was thus said to stand by a lake of fire, representing destruction. Since this judging of righteousness was an important part of the underworld, Babi was said to be the first born son of Osiris, the god of the dead amongst the same areas as Babi was believed in.

Baboons also have noticeably high sex drives, in addition to their high level of genital marking, and so Babi was considered the god of virility of the dead. He was usually portrayed with an erection, and due to the association with the judging of souls, was sometimes depicted as using it as the mast of the ferry which conveyed the righteous to Aaru, a series of islands. Babi was also prayed to, in order to ensure that an individual would not suffer from impotence after death.


Mythological Family Members & Associated Deities

OSIRIS (Father)