
Season: 5, Episodes: 4, Faction: Ajira


Caesar was a passenger aboard Ajira Airways Flight 316 from Los Angeles to Guam when it crashed on the Hydra Island. Caesar assumed a semi-leadership role among the small pocket of survivors there, and took an interest into exploring the DHARMA Initiative station on the island. He appeared to be very secretive, evidenced by his keeping his discovery of a shotgun to himself. Benjamin Linus shot Caesar with the same shotgun, when Caesar would not let “Locke” take a boat to the Main Island.

Darkness (Night)



Fertility (Water)

Sun (Fire)

On the mainland (Flight 316)

5×06 – 316


When checking in for Ajira Airways Flight 316, Caesar stood behind Jack in the line. When he overheard Jack telling the man at the counter about his dead friend, he offered his condolences. Jack, confused, thanked him. Later, Caesar sat in first class, surrounded mostly by people who had already visited the Island. When the turbulence began to shake the plane, Caesar was shocked and confused, especially when warned by Hurley to buckle his seatbelt.


During the white flash that ensued, Caesar turned to find Hurley had disappeared, and later re-counted that other people had witnessed people disappear in exactly the same way before the crash. (“316”)

5×09 – Namaste


After the plane crash-landed, Caesar woke up an unconscious Ilana and informed her that the plane had crashed, but they were okay. He helped her up and they headed for the beach. (“Namaste”)

On Hydra Island (2007)

5×09 – Namaste


With the plane crash-landing on the runway, the survivors went to the beach. Frank attempted to gather up all the passengers and crew to explain their predicament and tell them that the best thing is to stay put. However Caesar rejected this and insisted that they search the “animal cages” and “buildings” he saw when crashing. (“Namaste”)

5×07 – The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham


Sometime later, Caesar and Ilana discovered the abandoned Hydra station. Neither of them appeared to have any previous knowledge of the DHARMA Initiative. Caesar explored a darkened office and examined animal skulls and other biological items, books, maps, and charts. Caesar found some of Danielle’s maps of the Island, a diagram from Daniel’s journal concerning the difficulties of time travel, and a 1954 issue of Life magazine about hydrogen bomb testing. He took a torch and found a sawed-off double barrelled shotgun under Ben’s old desk, which he stowed away in his bag. Ilana arrived, apparently already having visited the station, and informed him of a man in a suit that Roxanne had discovered whilst scouting south.


Caesar theorized that he may have been one of the passengers who disappeared whilst crashing, but Ilana disputed this, saying how he wasn’t even on the plane to begin with. Caesar approached him, and asked his name, to which he replied “John Locke.”


Locke, the following evening, approached Caesar at the Hydra, in order to inquire about the passenger list of the plane. Locke explained briefly the DHARMA Initiative symbol on the documents Caesar was reading, and that they had been conducting experiments there. Caesar asked him how he knew that, and Locke replied that he had spent over a hundred days on this island.


When Locke said he could provide answers if reunited with his friends, Caesar informed Locke there were some passengers injured in the crash being kept in a room. He took Locke to a makeshift sickbay in the Hydra, where they were keeping the injured, and when Locke found Ben, he told Caesar that Ben was the man who had killed him. (“The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham”)

5×12 – Dead Is Dead


Three days after crashing on the Island, Caesar was told by Ben that Locke might already have been on the Island and was a dangerous man. When Locke and Ben were preparing the boat to go to the main island, Caesar interfered and was at the point of pulling out the shotgun to threaten Locke. Just as he couldn’t find the shotgun, Ben pulled it out of his own bag, revealing that he had stolen it, and shot Caesar square in the chest, killing him. Ben then tossed the shotgun to Locke, as an “apology” for killing “him.” (“Dead Is Dead”)

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Related Character Images



Associated DHARMA Stations

Decoded Season 1 & 2 Characters

Jack Shephard

Hurley Reyes

Christian Shephard

Benjamin Linus

Decoded Season 3 & 4 Characters


Matthew Abaddon

Decoded Season 5 Characters

Ilana Verdansky

The Man In Black

Rupa Krishnavani


Key Episode(s) to Decoding the Character

5x07 "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"

5x09 "Namaste"

The Egyptians believed that before the world was formed, there was a watery mass of dark, directionless chaos. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis), four frog gods and four snake goddesses of chaos. These deities were Nun and Naunet (water), Amun and Amaunet (invisibility), Heh and Hauhet (infinity) and Kek and Kauket (darkness). The chaos existed without the light, and thus Kek and Kauket came to represent this darkness. They also symbolized obscurity, the kind of obscurity that went with darkness, and night.

The Ogdoad were the original great gods of Iunu (On, Heliopolis) where they were thought to have helped with creation, then died and retired to the land of the dead where they continued to make the Nile flow and the sun rise every day. Because of this aspect of the eight, Budge believe that Kek and Kauket were once deities linked to Khnum and Satet, to Hapi – Nile gods of Abu (Elephantine). He also believed that Kek may have also been linked to Sobek.


Kek (Kuk, Keku) means darkness. He was the god of the darkness of chaos, the darkness before time began. He was the god of obscurity, hidden in the darkness. The Egyptians saw the night time, the time without the light of the sun, as a reflection of this chaotic darkness.

The characteristics of the third paid of gods, Keku and Kauket, are easier to determine, and it is tolerable certain that these deities represent the male and female powers of the darkness which was supposed to cover over the primeval abyss of water; they have been compared by Dr. Brugsch with the Erebos of the Greeks.

— The Gods of the Egyptians, E. A. Wallis Budge

As a god of the night, Kek was also related to the day – he was called the “bringer-in of the light”. This seems to mean that he was responsible for the time of night that came just before sunrise. The god of the hours before day dawned over the land of Egypt. This was the twilight which gave birth to the sun.

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Wiki Info

Kuk (also spelled as Keku) is the deification of the primordial concept of darkness in Egyptian mythology. In the Ogdoad cosmogony, his name meant darkness. As a concept, Kuk was viewed as androgynous, his female form being known as Kauket (also spelled as Keket), which is simply the female form of the word Kuk. Like all 4 dualistic concepts in the Ogdoad, Kuk’s male form was depicted as a frog, or as a frog-headed man, and the female form as a snake, or a snake-headed woman. As a symbol of darkness, Kuk also represented obscurity and the unknown, and thus chaos. Also, Kuk was seen as that which occurred before light, thus was known as the bringer-in of light.

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Mythological Family Members & Associated Deities

KAUKET (Consort)