
Season: 2 & 4, Episodes: 2, Faction: Desmond


Henrik was one of the staff who manned Penelope Widmore’s tracking station. He spoke Portuguese.

Fertility (Water)

Fertility (Vegetation)



On the mainland

2×24 – Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2


Henrik was playing chess with Mathias in the tracking station when their computer started beeping. Henrik then commanded Mathias to make the call, while he typed something into the computer.


Speaking English, Mathias called Penny and reported about an electromagnetic anomaly, informing her, “I think we found it.” (“Live Together, Die Alone”)

Rescuing the Oceanic Six

4×14 – There’s No Place Like Home, Part 3


Henrik was also a crewman on the Searcher, Penny’s boat that recovered the Oceanic Six as well as Desmond and Frank. He is the first person aboard the vessel to greet the survivors. (“There’s No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3”)

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Associated LOST Themes & DHARMA Stations


Decoded Season 1 Characters

Jack Shephard

Kate Austen

Hurley Reyes

Sayid Jarrah

Sun-Hwa Kwon

Aaron Littleton

Decoded Season 2 & 4 Characters


Penelope Hume

Desmond Hume

Frank Lapidus

Key Episode(s) to Decoding the Character

2x24 "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2"

4x14 "Theres No Place Like Home, Part 3"

Wiki Info

In Greek mythology, Eumaeus was Odysseus’s swineherd and friend before he left for the Trojan War. His father, Ktesios son of Ormenos, was king of an island called Syria. When he was a young child a Phoenician sailor seduced his nurse, a Phoenician slave, who agreed to bring the child among other treasures in exchange for their help in her escape. The nurse was killed by Artemis on the journey by sea, but the sailors continued to Ithaca where Odysseus’ father Laertes bought him as a slave. Thereafter he was brought up with Odysseus and his sister Ctimene (or Ktimene), and was treated by Anticleia, their mother, almost as Ctimene’s equal.

In Homer’s Odyssey, Eumaeus is the first mortal that Odysseus meets after his return to Ithaca. He has four dogs, savage as wild beasts,’ who protect his pigs. Although he does not recognise his old master — Odysseus is in disguise — and has his misgivings, Eumaeus treats Odysseus well, offering food and shelter to one whom he thinks is a mere indigent. On being pushed to explain himself, Odysseus spins a distorted tale, misleading Eumaeus into believing that he is the son not of Laertes but of Castor.

The swineherd refuses to accept the vow that Odysseus, whom he loves above all others (rendering him especially bitter towards the suitors), is finally on his way home. Having heard such assurances all too often, and been deceived by a prevaricator from Aetolia, Eumaeus has become inured to them. “Don’t you try to gratify or soothe my heart with falsehoods,” he cautions:

“It is not for that reason that I shall respect and entertain you, but because I fear Zeus, the patron of strangers, and pity you.”

God-fearing, suspicious, and scrupulous, Eumaeus delivers probably the oldest extant example of literary sarcasm when, after Odysseus offers a bargain entailing that he be thrown off a cliff should he lose, he answers:

“That would be virtuous of me, my friend, and good reputation would be mine among men, for present time alike and hereafter, if first I led you into my shelter, there entertained you as guest, then murdered you and ravished the dear life from you. Then cheerfully I could go and pray to Zeus, son of Kronos” (XIV.402-6, translation Lattimore).

Eumaeus is generous in his offerings to guests and gods (Hermes in particular) and so fair-minded as to strive to divide meals equally between everyone he feeds. The axiom “The god will give, and the god will take away, according to his will, for he can do anything” fairly encapsulates his philosophy.

During his master’s long absence, Eumaeus acquires from the Taphians a servant, Mesaulius, with his own ostensibly meagre resources. Mesaulius serves as a waiter during Odysseus’s first supper back on Ithaca, in Eumaeus’s hut with its owner and his fellow herders.

Eumaeus also welcomes Odysseus’s son, Telemachus, when he returns from his voyage to Pylos and Sparta. When Telemachus returns, he visits Eumaeus as soon as he gets off his boat, as Athena directed him. In Eumaues’ hut is Odysseus in disguise. Eumaeus greets Telemachus as a father, expressing his deep worry while Telemachus was gone and his relief now that is safely back. Homer even uses a simile to reiterate the father-son relationship between Telemachus and Eumaeus. He says,

“And as a loving father embraces his own son
Come back from a distant land after ten long years,
His only son, greatly beloved and much sorrowed for”
– (The Odyssey, Book 16 lines 19-21).

With Odysseus sitting beside Eumaeus and Telemachus, the audience is especially aware of this relationship.

During the slaughter of the suitors, Eumaeus assists Telemachus and Odysseus as well.

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Mythological Family Members & Associated Deities